Hi All - Happy New Year!
It occurred to me the other day that, although the VPC members are interested in Flight Simulation, I usually just see the same few people in the flights.
I am assuming that all of us fly the simulator either occasionally or regularly. What I'd like to hear from all of you is when and where you fly. I'm not asking which airports rather the days and times you usually fly and if you just fly at home on your local system or online multiplayer.
For me, I try to get in one quick flight every night. Generally look for bad weather to work on IFR skills. Usually just fly alone at home but occasionally I'll go into the flight rooms at the VPC and fly from there. Other than that, it's the Saturday night flight at the VPC and the rallies.
I'd be interested in what other VPC members do.
Vic Baron
Of course, I could be wrong. I thought I was wrong once before, but I was mistaken.
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