Hi Alan,>> For anyone with a healthy bank balance and lots of space, there's a guy
selling a dozen full-motion flight simulators on Ebay at the moment.<<
Those look like the sims they had at a place called the Magic Edge in Mtn. View, CA. They went belly up a few years ago, but not before I spent a fair amount of time in those things <g>. They aren't "full" motion like you'd see at an airline training facility. They move up, down, roll, and pitch, there is no yaw or side to side. You'd also be hard pressed to retrofit the pod for a yoke, pedals, instruments etc, as it's pretty cramped in there. You have a joystick on your right, and a throttle on your left, with a few buttons. The screen inside I believe was about 17". At $3000 it's probably still a bargain.
Thanks for the heads up!
**6 miles SSE KSJC**
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