Hi Ben,Sorry for the delay but have had a few problems over my phone line and BT getting out to fix it. Fixed it they did but some muppet then decided to dig a trench and took out BT's phone lines for the whole estate. Took them a further 2 weeks to relay it all.
Anyway, FSMap once you get the hang of it in either FS2004 or FSX is quite neat <s>. You can import all the US Sectionals available on AVSIM quite easily without calibrating. The biggest problem folk have is in calibrating maps but once you have done a couple it's a piece of cake.
You can add a gauge into any aircraft quite easy (couple of mouse clicks) which has a 2D panel. Any VC you want to add it to then it's editing the panel config file after you find a place to either place it or remove an existing gauge and insert FSMap's.
On the whole I'd give it a thumbs up. In the next version I'm hoping that Thomas implements the chance of overlaying Enroute Charts onto any sectionals you may have installed.
I think Vic is using it and I haven't had much chance again to test it in Multiplayer so can't comment on that side of it yet. It did work in early beta's.
Talk to you later.
James (Hawkwind) Anderson
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